[PROGRESS REPORT] End of Hell + New Promo Pack

Hoo. April was one hell of a month, and it ended with a week of 9-5 training sessions. So I was back and forth between daytime training and overnight security shifts. Heck, just this Friday, I worked a total of 16 hours in one day. And thankfully, that is all over.
Starting tomorrow, my work schedule changes and solidifies a bit, and work on WCA resumes. I've been missing it something fierce. I've been getting the assets together to do what I want to do with these next two story episodes, and it's all coming together nicely.
I have more exciting news for you, but it pertains to Season 2, so I'll make a separate post there. Still looking for a poser, by the way, so if you have experience with HS2 or Ai Shoujo, lemme know.
- Vic