
You open the Study door and step inside. The room within is lit by a flickering fire on the hearth that throws more shadow than light across the room.
You feel you are not alone in the room, and your gaze is drawn to the high-backed chair drawn up before the hearth.
Cautiously, you step around it and stop in surprise.
The maiden seated there glances up at you and smiles. Her clear blue eyes sparkle with mischief, and her fiery red hair falls across her shoulders in glittering waves.
“I've been waiting for you,” she says, and rises to her feet. She wears a dark blouse and a short skirt that hide nothing of her ample figure as she pulls herself to you.
You open your mouth to speak, but she gently puts her finger to your lips. “No questions,” she whispers softly in your ear.
She eases you into the chair and steps back, slowly unbuttoning her blouse. Writhing to some unheard beat, she slides out of her blouse, revealing her lacy red bra; through the sheer fabric you can see her nipples, erect with arousal.
She sinuouslt rocks her hips from side to side and cups her breasts with her hands. “I want you,” she says hoarsely. She squirms out of her skirt and it falls away, revealing panties already soaked with desire.
Hips gliding to the silent music, she turns about and unhooks her bra, letting it fall to the floor.
She turns back to face you, covering her breasts with her hands. The firelight glows off her sweat-sheened skin as she glides toward you, her breasts heaving for breath.
She lowers herself into your lap, her legs spread wide about yours, and glances up at you with a smile. Still covering her breasts, she leans into you and gently brushes her lips against yours. “I want you,” she breathes and kisses again, hungrily, passionately. She tastes hot and sweet.
She takes your hands and guides them to her breasts; they are cool and firm to the touch. You squeeze her hard nipples, making her moan passionately.
Still kissing you, she slips a hand into your pants and gently strokes you. She breaks away from you and leans back, a sultry smile on her full lips. “I want you,” she says again, stroking you further. “Do you want me?”

I wrote this as a challenge to myself one day, to see how sexy I could write a single scene. What do you think?