I was quiet for about 6 months. Many things happened. Let me start from beginning and not make this too long, so the majority will read it 🙂

First of all let me thank the people who have supported and believed in me, even when I was absent. Your support was encouraging me big time and showed me that humanity needs and deserves 3D bimbo animations 😁🥰

Daz Studio broke me in June 2020

Ok, it wasn't that bad, but after months of researching, testing and frustration I had to acknowledge that I won't get the realistic results that I am going for with this tool. It gave me constant crashes, was slow and after updating to a new version and saving my file, some of my animation data was corrupted.

I learned that I had to learn Blender and dive much, much deeper into 3D

Daz Studio is nice. You buy models, import them, pose them, adjust the shape/textures, and with a bit of artistic knowledge when it comes to lighting and composition you can get quite good-looking renders. While Daz was holding my hand and the majority was reasonably easy to figure out Blender is the wild wild west of 3D.

Suddenly a huge canyon with a long, shaky, wooden bridge opened in front of my eyes and it seemed impossible to cross it. Each step of the bridge was a massive topic I had and still have to learn and master.

- Modelling, Texturing, Sculpting, Retopology, UV-Maps, PBR Textures, Node Setups, Shading, The basics of Animation, Body Mechanics, Blender and its limitations, Texturing in Substance Painter, Sculpting in Z-Brush, Rigging, Bones, Shapekeys, Drivers and much, much more

  • Learning 3D is a massive task (2500cc) 
  • Creating 3D short films in HQ is (40.0000cc)

My passion for filmmaking and bimbos is my unstoppable engine

Nothing will hold me back. I will learn everything I need to learn to create smoking hot bimbo shorts. I am dedicated and I am pleased that you guys trust in me as a person.

I am not here to just take your money. I have a dream and if you guys vibe with my style and vision I am very happy about your support, because obviously if I don't have to worry about money and cover my life costs I can spend more time with 3D. It won't be an easy journey, but eventually, I will get there!

Maybe I will be absent for a couple of months again if something happens in my life. But I am definitely in it for the long run! 💪


The attached render is fully done in Blender/Cycles (and only a quick test. Nothing near to the end quality I am going for)💪👍