Sweet Dreams Zine #01

It's finally here yay! After nearly a year of collaboration with you, taking stories, suggestions, brainstorming sessions, discussion, and complicated votes, we've put together two spooky vignettes: The Filth Affliction, and Letters from Paradise. Complete with extra content, and a guest comic page from PyperHaylie, the Sweet Dreams Zine is now officially out!

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Dungeon Dwellers ($10) can buy this for 50% off, using a code you can find in your inbox now.

Prison Guards ($20) and Interrogators ($50) can snatch the zine for free, using also a code you'll have in your inbox now!

The Feature Vignettes will be slowly released to public, alternating weekly. However a couple of (non-story critical) bonus pages of each will remain exclusive to the zine.

If you've been following along or checking Discord you'll have seen all these pages already, including the exclusives, however the Zine has the final drafts, which includes a full rewrite of the wording on Filth Affliction. Not to mention all the additional content which has not been released anywhere else!

Thank you everyone who's been a part of this whole process and helped bring this to life with me. It's been scary and long and exhausting and exciting and I've never worked on something for so long, something so elaborate or involved before and this was a real adventure.

Buy on Gumroad Now!

Heal Quest and Heartwreck Hollow are the next vignettes underway. Sweet Dreams Zine #02 is already underway :>