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Female Agent
Female Agent
An adult sexpionage RPG
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Female Agent
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[1.21] Prototype complete

Hey guys!  Sorry I’ve been so quiet.  I didn’t really have anything to say except “I’m working on it”, but I can now report that the prototype is done; the new episode is now playable start to finish in the engine.

I’ve pushed it out to contributors for testing and feedback.  Some things still need to be done before it’s ready for release:
  • Art assets need to be completed.  Our illustrator lovely Victoria has already drawn the bulk of this, but there are a few things she couldn’t start work on until the prototype was finalised (because we weren’t sure exactly what was needed)
  • Art assets need to be coded into the game
  • Some dialogue dead ends and placeholder text need to be fixed
  • Some code and logic needs to be tweaked so this episode can run either before or after the previous side quest, White Russian
  • General edits and improvements based on contributor feedback

This episode has been a serious fucking grind to produce.  I’m so sorry it’s taken so long.
  • It started with a flawed idea that needed to be scrapped and redone
  • The redone idea felt too short to release as an episode, so I decided to roll in the next side quest
  • The side quest itself took a couple of passes to get right

I’m honestly still not crazy about it, especially given how long it’s taken, but we need to just finish up what we’ve got and get it out to you. More info to follow shortly.
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Female Agent
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[1.21] Happy Easter!

Hey guys, happy Easter!  The Big Mac date scene is going well.  It’s hard to talk about without dropping spoilers, but I’m finding it easy and fun to write.

It’s just a side quest, so it’s not supposed to change the world, but it does feel like a nice little change of vibe and pace.  The main NPC, Mac, is kind of rugged and unpretentious, and some of the fun is our heroine going on a date with a different vibe than the previous swanky restaurants.  Spies (and hookers) need to adapt and perform in situations high class, low class, and somewhere in between, so it’s good practice for her.

I want to get this episode out as fast as possible, so I’m working long hours on it.  I stopped today at about 8PM and I’ll get right back on it first thing tomorrow.  I hope you guys had a lovely Easter and I’ll report on more progress soon! 🦀❤️
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Female Agent
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[1.21] Skinnying down the episode

Hey guys! I'm sorry for being quiet here, and on Discord. I've been struggling with the writing in this episode, and it wasn't clear to me last weekend how to fix it.

For story reasons, we need to send the heroine back into the club for a barmaid shift. My idea to spice it up was to do something cool with wardrobe, and give her an excuse to wear some hot gothy fuck-me boots for a shift.
It seemed cool in the outline. Our illustrator lovely Victoria created some gorgeous art, and we had some cool scenes of the heroine getting the boots, the bargirls cooing over her new look in the dressing room, the regulars commenting on and loving her whorish new look, etc.

Shakedown run
Unfortunately, once I'd put it all together, when I tested it…I hated it. I hated it so much I didn’t even bother sharing it with any of the normal testers. It felt contrived and, worse – boring. I have been a very sad crab about this.

I know it’s just a porno, but the story’s so important to me. When it doesn’t work I get dispirited.

Still, fear and despair are all parts of the creative process, so I just accepted it wasn’t what I wanted it to be, and worked hard on fixing it.

In an effort to figure out what was wrong, I replayed the last episode, and at the end asked myself: as a player, what would I want to happen next?

When I pictured what I’d been planning, I realised that I’d just gotten the pacing completely wrong. ☹️ Going back into the club as a topless barmaid is fine, but it needs to be a sexy little blast, not a long drawn out procedural.

An experiment: leaner episodes
I cut a bunch of stuff, rewrote it to feel more like a little montage than a step-by-step simulation of a barmaiding shift. It’s now much zingier, sexier and faster paced.

I’ve cut so much that it’s actually now too short to release, even as a mini episode. My plan is to skinny down the planned length of the Big Mac side quest and roll it into this episode. So, the structure will be:
– Short punchy scene set in the club
– Short punchy first date with Big Mac

I’m much much happier with this approach, and if it works out I think it’s got some important advantages going forward – not least that if the episodes are a little skinnier, then we’ll make faster progress towards the part of the story that I really want to write (the heroine bargirling).

I’m really sorry for the delay; I wanted to blast this out of the way quick and I messed up on my first pass at it. I’m working really hard on making a faster, better episode and I hope you’ll like it. 🦀 ❤️

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Female Agent
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Deep in a scene

Hey guys! Sorry for being quiet, I’ve been deep in a scene.

Sometimes writing feels fast and easy, sometimes everything's difficult and it feels like a slog. This scene has definitely been a slog, requiring sacrifices of much blood, toil, tears and sweat just to get it to a rough first draft standard.

I was tempted just to cut it, but I’m glad I pushed through instead: it’s feeling really hot now. 🔥 I’ve finally got it nearly ready for testing by some heroic volunteers; I’m going to keep working on it today, and push it out to them for feedback shortly.

Hopefully this was the hard part of the episode, and the rest will fall into place pretty quickly. Our illustrator lovely Victoria has been doing some really cool artwork for the episode, which I’m looking forward to getting into the game.

Okay, that’s it for the report, I’m gonna get back to work on this tricky scene now. Wish me luck! 🦀 ❤️

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Female Agent
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[1.21] Prototyping [8/15 complete]

Hi guys! Just a quick update, as I’ve been very busy prototyping more scenes. It’s hard to talk about without spoilers, but:
  • A scene that wasn’t working got simplified and rewritten
  • A new scene, with two NPCs you’ll be seeing more of, got added (and completed)
  • A key scene got some big changes from the outline

I always have to adapt and make changes like this during the process; no battle plan survives contact with the enemy. Our heroine's going back into the club for a night, and I think it’s working out pretty hot 🥵 look forward to getting your feedback.

Some of the best ideas in the game came from player suggestions. I’m aware that I need to carve out more time to work with others so they can improve the game. (The problem is that I find writing exhausting, by the end of the day my brain is just mush.)
I have been making more of an effort to do this recently. I need to get better at this, but, at the moment:
  • q5 has fixed a bunch of niggly bugs that you guys have reported. I’m incorporating the bug fixes into the next episode.
  • Lizzie M and The Lost Engineer have been working together on a new scene. You’ll get to play it soon.
  • XG has been developing the NPC deep dives I mentioned in the last report, bulking them out with more background and biographical details. As the bargirls become more important and involved in the story, this kind of detailed work will help improve their characterisation and dialogue.

Okay, that’s it for a quick report! Gonna get straight back to it, I’m working on a hot scene today 🔥
🦀 ❤️
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Female Agent
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[1.21] Prototyping (5/14 complete)

Hey guys! I had another good, solid week of writing. I added two more scenes to the prototype build, (so that’s now 5 in total, of 14 planned), and nearly finished the third. I increased the number of lines in the code from 2209 to 4355.

NPC deep dives
This week, I spent some time working on detailed NPC backgrounds. (This is the kind of work that doesn’t add to the word count, but is absolutely necessary for the story to feel real.)  When I've got a clear picture of the NPC's backstory (and particularly their conscious and unconscious goals), it's so much easier to write dialogue and description for them.

In the past, when I’ve run into creative roadblocks, it’s usually because I’m trying to bend the characters around the plot somehow, so understanding them better helps me write faster and avoid roadblocks.

I did four deep dives this week.  I was worried this would be the bulk of the work, but I still managed to get lots written.  ChatGPT is actually a helpful tool for this – I find the act of explaining who a person is to be more productive than filling in a form with the NPC's birthdate and their fondest childhood memory or whatever.  (Even though I'm explaining to a prissy, censorious toaster.)

Art experiment
I also did a little bit of work with our illustrator, lovely Victoria, on a cool little art experiment! It’s just a small thing, but I really like the effect. (It’s based on something she did in the Christmas episode, Zero Kate Thirty.)

Overall it was a fun, productive week! I’m really enjoying the episode, I think it’s coming out hot, and I’m just excited and buzzing about the story all the time. I’m working long days, and my brain is mush by the time I have to down tools. But the only reason I stop is because I’m too tired, I’d write 24/7 if I could. I love the game and I’m really excited about getting the next episode out to you ASAP.

I’ll get back to work on it tomorrow, and report on progress next week!

Have an awesome Sunday, guys. And thank you so much for helping me do this.

🦀 ❤️
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