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Maid to Please
Maid to Please
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Maid to Please
Public post

Friday Progress Update, May 31: "Saving the Princess"

Hey! It's the last day of May.
Look at that poetry, and then tell me I'm not Yeats reborn.
Anyway, what's up, guys? I'm back with another of them Friday Progress Update. It was a decent week for me, nay, let's make that a good week so far. I did 13-14 renders every day so far. Fridays are usually a bit slower (end of working week crash & burn), and the rest of the weekend better (free days to spend on the game!).
This week it felt like I'm really seeing some progress in the render pile. It's a daunting task when starting on the renders for a new update, it takes so damnably long to see real progress. I see it now though. I see it.
Right now I'm messing around with Cat. We'll see how that goes. It's super hot right now and when the ice cream runs out, things can get wild.
What do you mean, you ate all the vanilla ice cream? There was a whole BUCKET!
So what else can we talk about today? Oh, I posted a picture on Discord, I guess I should share it here too.
Miko is a tad emotional, watching a movie.
Now you're wondering, what movie is that? Well, I could tell you. But I rather show you, in the next update!
Now we have reached the part of the update where I'd answer some questions if anyone had asked any, but I'm drawing blank so let's talk about the UEFA European championships 2024 instead. Kickoff in two weeks. This is a soccer/footie championship with all the best teams in the world, minus Brazil and Argentina.
Okay, okay, I know I'm stepping on some toes here! There are other decent teams outside of those, but lets be real, no one outside Brazil/Argentina/Europe has won since 1950, or taken a medal since 1962, as long as you count Turkey as European (geographically questionable but they qualify through the European system).
Kickoff in two weeks and I'll catch some games for sure.
Anyway, I'll end on that note and get some more renders made. Thanks for your support, see you soon.
Wait, you didn't tell us who you think's going to win.
Oh, you wanted to have my take on that? I'll end with this then: It's coming home.
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Maid to Please

Lewd Preview, May 2024

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Maid to Please
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Friday Progress Update, May 24: "Saving the Princess"

Howdy hey.
Trying to spice up the hello's so it's not the same every week. Welcome to this, the nth progress update for Maid to Please!
So what's up? Well, I'm wading through the pile of renders-to-do at what feels like a snail's pace. Sometimes I reminisce about the good old days when I did tiny updates, and then wrote the whole script for the following update in 48 hours. Ah, those were the days.
Right now I'm doing some Miko stuff. I'll throw in a render down below. It's a pretty big chunk of renders, actually. I've been at it for some days and a lot remains to do. I'll post another soon but that'll be in a subscriber only post because rules about public posts and all.

When you ask for ice cream and she's trying to tell you she forgot to buy some. You're out.
Now I'm going to tell you guys what a harem is. In my opinion, I mean. Which you're totally free to incorrectly disagree with. The question came up when a crazy rabbit asked on Discord if there is any chance for a full harem, and I asked what a full harem is.
He said (I'm assuming gender because I assume no woman has ever played the game) that it's when all the LI's are in a relationship with the MC at the same time. I found myself skeptical. Surely that can't be enough. If I bang Beth on Monday and Cat on Friday, they're just two women I date and had sex with. So this is what I think a harem is:
First of all, the women (I'm talking gender from a MtP point of view) who are in the harem must be in a sexual relationship, or accept that they potentially are in one, with the MC. Duh. Just establishing the obvious.
Secondly, and this is important. A LI can't be part of a harem without knowing about it's existence, and accepting it. She doesn't have to call it such, or know about every other member of it. But unless she knows she's not exclusive, how can she properly be part of a harem?
Thirdly, she must accept AtM with any other member of the harem. Okay, maybe not, I'm making this shit up as I go along.
I think my point is that if the girls don't know about each other, and think they're the only one, it's not really a harem. You're just dating a bunch of chicks at the same time. Bonus points for the harem is if the girls also live with the MC. Not a rule, just bonus points.
So is there any chance for a full harem?
As someone once said, "a full harem is a crutch for virgin Devs that can't write."
Actually that was said today in Discord too. Personally, I find it sort of unlikely but I'm not closing any doors. Since I'm not a virgin Dev, it wouldn't be a crutch for me. Right?
Anyway, don't take anything above too seriously, I'm just talking. I'll stop that now and pose Miko drinking wine. See you guys again soon, and thank you for your support!
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Maid to Please

Preview 2, May

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Maid to Please
Public post

Friday Progress Update, May 17: "Saving the Princess"

Good evening, everyone!
It's that time of the week again. The working days are over, now we can focus fully on our other jobs, such as bringing "adult content" to the people!
So what's new? Well, this is going to sound pretty boring, but I did a bunch of renders and, well, that's what I did. It's what I did last week too, and it's what I'll do next week. There's no getting around it, doing a game (in Daz3d anyway) is posing, moving lights, moving cameras, repeat, repeat.
If you don't like doing that, don't start a game using Daz, is what I'm trying to say. I'm fine with it, I just wish the image in my head could be accomplished quicker! It is what it is though.
So what else can we chit-chat about?
Someone asked if the game is headed for a harem. Well, is it?
To that I'd say, what is a harem? I can tell you my definition, in an adult game context: It's when multiple women mysteriously end up in a relationship with the same man, and are okay with it, completely love it, or at least accepts it. It's not particularly realistic but it's one of those things where we can escape reality for the sake of a more entertaining and pleasant gaming experience.
So will there be a harem?
Fuck yes. Optional of course. Maybe not with all girls, though. Some choices might have to be made, and some sacrifices may have to be made too.
When you tell two of your girls they can both join your harem and they become so overwhelmed with joy that they just have to hug.
Can we skip the nasty lesbian stuff in our awesome harem, please.
Lesbian content is, and will remain, based on player choices. I know some players think I'm wasting my time with that type of content. I apologize, but I think it's hot so I'll have to insist that I'm allowed to spend some of my time on it.
Well, put in a futa then!
Not going to happen. I only "waste" my time on things I think are hot. Futas fly right over my head.
I do appreciate opinions and suggestions even when I don't follow them. Just want you guys to know that. It shows you take an interest in the game. 
I guess I'll get back to the grind again. It was nice chatting with you, imaginary voice. See you all again soon! And thanks for your support!
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Maid to Please

Preview, May.

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