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We are a team of an eroge loving team working to bring high-quality games like Meltys Quest to everyone around the world!! Currently we are focused on Karryn's Prison!

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Welcome to the SubscribeStar page for Remtairy!

Remtairy is a team working together to bring high-quality eroge to English and Japanese fans. We made history on October 2017 by being the first indie team to develop and release an RPG eroge at the same time in English and Japanese for Steam. On September 11th, 2018, we made history again by being the first to have an adult video game be completely uncensored on Steam.

The same team who brought you Meltys Quest is currently working on a new title called Karryn's Prison!

If you've never heard about Karryn's Prison before, please read up on it at our website!


The demo for Karryn's Prison is available for free for anyone to try out on Steam. It currently features content up to the end of Level Two.

Try the demo from Steam


Click here for our roadmap for the first half of 2022.

Bug Reports

Please use the #kp-bug-reports channel on our Discord for reporting bugs and typos found in Karryn's Prison!

Please use the #remtairy-bug-reports channel on our Discord for reporting bugs and typos found in Meltys Quest, Club Bifrost, Island SAGA, Kiara or Modern Pink Elf RPG!


Karryn's Prison is in English and Japanese with text and voice support for both languages. Karryn's Prison is available for Windows only.

Karryn's Prison retails for $30 on Steam and DLsite. The DLsite version has mosaic censorship.

Steam DLsite


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We also have a Ci-en page maintained by Sachinama if you can read Japanese!

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May 14th 2024: Progress Report

Wow It's May, basically halfway into the year...

So first up, Sachinama has continued to be a boss working extremely hard every day even through out Japan's national holiday period, Golden Week. Basically only the toilet and gym side job CGs still need to be renewed for the P cups as well the Cut-ins. So it's looking more likely than not that the P cup DLC will be completed around June/July. Remember to shower Sachinama with all the praises every week on Ci-en and on Twitter!!!

As for me, I've extremely slowed down on board game exploration and playing last month. Oh! And I also went to San Francisco for five days last month, I almost somehow forgot about that until just now. That was a big event. I was actually thinking I might have time during the trip to sit down somewhere and reflect and brainstorm but nope. I even brought my Switch but I never ended up playing until during the flight back home went one of my seat neighbor insisted I bring out my Switch since the in flight entertainment TV wasn't working.

So the San Fran trip was my first time ever going on a completely solo flight. Up until now, I've flew a few times but each time I would also be meeting up with Sachinama at the destination. It was a very interesting experience. I always wondered what people mean when they say they are well-traveled or they've been to like 30+ countries or whatever. I thought to myself, what can possibility be more interesting out there compared to booting up the PC to play some eroges hahahahaha

I'm not sure I found my answer though. Because while it was very informative and interesting trip for me, I also went out of my way to socialize and engage with other people every chance I could to listen to their stories and experiences, which were all new and interesting to me! But I also noticed during the trip that a vast majority of the people, especially those who came with friends or family or mistresses or whatnot, usually kept to themselves and don't engage with other groups even when approached and given the opportunity. So are these people who go to like 40+ countries or whatever with their friends, what experiences are they really getting? I'm sure they're having fun or they wouldn't be traveling so much, and of course those fun experiences would immediately be shared with their friends or secret lovers or whoever they're traveling with. And of course not everyone who travel in groups just strictly keep to themselves. But I just wonder and I still don't have an answer.

Anyway, it was fun and interesting! And I almost died! That was... fun, maybe. I'm hopefully not actually dead and typing all this out inside a brain coma. Being a city boy, specifically a new york city boy, we don't exactly hike or climb rough terrain out here, and my stupid new yorker ass decided that I would be perfectly fine challenging a barely marked hidden shortcut path to quickly get to the top of a 450+ feet high hill. That was a valuable lesson on only sticking to the marked and public paths when going on trails, thank you very much.

Other than the trip and preparing for the trip, I ended up spending quite a bit of time post-trip reading up on some books! Specifically one series I would like to introduce as probably more than anything else, my audience is probably also a good audience for these type of books is Bruce Sentar's harem fantasy stuff. They were extremely easy and fun to read!

The weather is somehow getting warmer, and the sun is staying in the sky longer and that is all very scary to me right now. Time continues to relentlessly march to its own beat. Stay hydrated and stay safe out there everyone, and I'll talk to you all again next month! (Assuming I'm not in a brain coma right now)

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April 10th 2024: Progress Report

Oh god it's already April it's-

Alright, let's skip that to save time, and get right into the Progress Report! First, Sachinama as usual has been working like a beast breeded with a machine every day and every night on drawing the P Cups. And boy are they huge. If you don't mind being spoiled, remember to check out Sachinama's weekly Ci-en posts! There's about 15ish more non-cutin CGs for Sachinama to renew/draw P Cups for but most of those are from three of the side jobs (Toilet, Stripper, Trainer) so they will be hellishly time consuming. Remember to give support to Sachinama by commenting and encouraging him during these trying times!

(The rest of today's post is just personal stuff, you can skip it if you're only interested in Karryn's Prison development)

As for me, it's been the usual like last month? But also not usual at all? In terms of board games, so the big box game I was talking about last month was Primal the Awakening, and I enjoyed a lot. However. However... I've also been waiting since last month for the eBay seller to send me the rest of the non core box expansion stuff because apparently they also haven't received it yet from the publisher. But just core box by itself is still really fun and neat, I'm impressed by the design and hopefully! Hopefully I'll find some time this month to get it back on the table!

Another big box board game that I brought on a whim from eBay was Tainted Grails: King of Ruins. I enjoyed it to, but mostly for the narrative stuff instead of the gameplay part. In terms of inspirations for how I would like to a make a game, Primal is definitely more up my alley but I'm still happy to have played Tainted Grails KoR.

Those two and more Spirit Island (mostly teaching it to new people) were mainly the board games that I played since the last Progress Report. And that is because......

Since the last month's report, I actually decided to plan and go to three domestic trips in the future. So I never traveled until I got this job and my first time traveling was to Japan back during Karryn's Prison first year of development to meet Sachinama and do business stuff over in Japan. Since then, I've traveled two more times, once more pre Covid and then my second time to Japan last spring. So all three times, two of them for work, were trips where I would meet and see Sachinama at my destination. This time however! All three trips will be completely solo and without Sachinama. 😭

For the time being, the first of those three trips is actually going to be NEXT WEEK to San Francisco where I will be checking out the Cherry Blossom Festival over at San Francisco, kind of like a replacement for last year's Japan trip to see cherry blossoms over in Japan with Sachinama. All three trips will last less than a week, but I'm bringing any laptops so it will be essentially a break from PC time. Will I discover or find something during these trips? Who knows. I'm nervous since I will be by myself during the whole trip but in a way I will also be alone from both computers and people I know and just chill.

Hopefully I won't end up on an episode of South Park as a guy jerking off in public in San Francisco, hah.

Now for some bonus material for reading this far! I know a lot of people have been curious, but work on the next game has not begun yet. It's simply not possible because in Sachinama's case, working on P Cup DLC and family stuff already takes literally all his time. In my case, well, I'm still figuring out and narrowing down my ideas and concepts and experimenting. But I'm really happy with having discovered the world of board games because it really introduced systems and concepts I never thought about before. I'm thinking of checking out one more big box board game called Kinfire Chronicles. It's pretty much out of stock everywhere but I caught with my lil eyes last night a place that had a physical copy of it but I didn't buy it last night because I didn't research about it yet. I also brought my first hardcover book since like forever that I'm taking with me on the trip next week to read and who knows, maybe something or nothing might pop up.

I also haven't forgotten about my bread and butter which is playing and testing out eroges but honestly not much has come out recently but I have had my eye on one indie game since the beginning of the year that I've enjoyed alot. But it is also very similar to Karryn's Prison... yet it's so fun and appealing to me... and like so my heart and mind (and something else) wavers on deciding on what form the next game should be. It's so hard, no pun intended, it's like something stuck in the back of my throat or I guess, like something thick in the back of my head trying to push out, no pun intended.

Anyways. That's it for this month's Progress Report! Hopefully my plane won't disassemble mid air or anything crazy like that and if it doesn't, I'll talk to you all again next month! Or if it does, I guess I'll talk to you all on the other side instead. Stay safe, hydrate, and wear sunscreen!

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March 5th 2024: Progress Report

Oh boy, it's March already. Every month when I do a Progress Report I'm surprised by how quickly time has passed.

So let's get right down to this month's Progress Report! Sachinama has been beasting and about 50% of the CGs now have P Cups, not counting the Cut Ins!

Which you would already know if you have been following Sachinama on Ci-en, so why haven't you been?! Sachinama has also been posting weekly updates, unlike me who have switched to a monthly update format.

Speaking of me, so my board game journey continued in February, and I took a look at where I had logged my plays and

A lot of board gaming went on! And it's good thing I logged my plays because I would've forgotten them. The big thing in February was that I started moving onto campaign board games, first starting with Gloomhaven Jaws of the Lion (I thought it was eeeehhhh) on the first week of February, and then into the two big, big campaign board games that I brought and had arrived starting in the third week of February, which were Middara Act One and The 7th Citadel, both really fun and neat! I am still impressed how board games are doing stuff not being done with normal PC/video games. I also had just purchased my third big, big box campaign board game, and hopefully that will arrive next week... assuming no delays......

But, I think my journey into exploring the board game space is going to come to an end sooner than later. One thing that I've realized after playing and buying a whole lotta board games since December 2023 (According to my logs on, 30ish board games) is that I can hone into the types and mechanics of board game systems that I personally enjoy and have fun with. And within the systems that I personally enjoy, there is a smaller subset of systems that I would personally like to iterate and expend on myself. That third big, big box campaign board game that is (hopefully) coming this month is going to be me confirming if this is a mechanic I would like to incorporate myself in some way shape or form.

As for some personal health stuff that happened, I actually unfortunately caught pink eye around the third week of last month. It was actually pretty scary because not only was it the first time I got pink eye since I was a kid (and me getting pink eye as kid to me was the trigger that started deteriorating my eye sight...) but also because of the recent few years with me getting LASIK eye surgery and Sachinama and all that stuff that happened with his eyes (which are doing fine by the way!!) so I was a bit sensitive to anything related to my eyes.

I went to the eye doctor that did my surgery, got some eye drops and you know, the dang fucking pink eye just wouldn't go away. I figured ya know, when you get a bad cold or sore throat and go to the doctor and get some antibiotics, you start seeing results after like 4ish days right? But not with this pink eye apparently, it wasn't as red and itchy but it was still a bit red and itchy for way beyond a week. But last Saturday I went back for the followup and the doctor looked into my eyes, and said I should be good with continuing the eye drops for three more days and stopping. Alright then.

And that's it for this month's Progress Report, wash your hands, don't touch your eyes, stay hydrated and I'll talk to you all again next month in April!!

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February 6th 2024: Progress Report

Oh god it's already February, hands in the air screaming while the house burns down panicking

So what have I been up to since the last Progress Report? Mostly two things, one is that a few days after the last Progress Report, Steam finally approved of the game! It is none other than


Modern Pink Elf RPG developed by the talented Sensouya-san (Warshop) and localized by our friends at CursedAtelier!!!

Modern Pink Elf RPG is similar to Sensouya-san's previous eroge which we also published, Kiara -The Knight of Icicles- (which unfortunately Steam did not approve so that gave me PTSD for much of December and January while waiting on Steam's verdict for Modern Pink Elf RPG......) except the setting is a different and there is no combating at all, just a pure slut slutting it up around town.

I really liked it so I decided to get it published on Steam for you all, and hope you enjoy it! It's available at a 20% launch discount on Steam until basically 2/8, so grab it if you haven't yet! And if you enjoyed Modern Pink Elf RPG, you probably would enjoy Kiara -The Knight of Icicles- too if you haven't gotten it yet over at!!

So yeah, after it was approved I worked on final touching up and implementing Steam Achievements (which was bugged for the first several hours during release 😭). I always disliked how originally, you can only access the smartphone and navigate the main menu/smartphone with only a keyboard, so I worked to make it all accessible with a mouse or gamepad too.

The second main thing since last month has had to have been just more and more and more board gaming. Among the many I have played, my favorites have been Pax Renaissances and Imperium: Horizons/Classic/Legends. And while it wasn't my favorite, I also played Kingdom Death: Monsters and the way the game was designed essentially occupied my brain space with inspirations and ideas for the next game. It continues to impress me with how board games are designed and played and how those certain elements are either abstracted or just not at all in the PC games I have played, and I've played a ton. So it continues to be a very educational (and expensive...) experience with just going hog wild on board games to catch on years and decades of board game design history and iterations.

And that's it for this month's Progress Report! The sun is slowly rising earlier and slowly staying up in the sky slightly later, and the world continues to keep moving and changing! Stay safe, stay hydrated and I'll see you all again later!

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January 15th 2024: Progress Report

Hello everyone and Happy Belated New Years!! I can't believe half of the first month of 2024 is already basically over...

Without further ado, here is this year's first Progress Report!

...But there isn't much "progress" to report on however... not that work weren't done, but with holidays and all that, basically it's was just continuing work on the P Cup DLC while dealing with holiday and family stuff.

For me, I also spent, I would say around the last 3~4 weeks really, really getting into boardgames and exploring and trying out some of the most popular complex board games out there, namely I've tried learning and playing: Spirit Islands, Race to the Galaxy, Hegemony, Ark Nova, Marvel Champions LCG, Arkham Horror 3e board game, Arkham Horror LCG, and the LoTR LCG, and a few other smaller ones too. Of the bunch, Spirit Islands have been my favorite and really kicked off me experimenting more with board games just because I dunno, you might think (okay I'm just projecting here) well, board games just can't be as complex as a video game right? Because there's all these physical parts and pieces and there is only so much you can keep track on.


Bad Rem, hit him in the head! But not too hard

In fact, if you think about, Baldur's Gate 3, aka most people's GoTY 2023 is based off of a board game's ruleset. So there is in fact, a lot to also learn from board games and how they're designed despite, or rather, in spite of their certain limitations. And Spirit Island I would say is just extremely, impressively well-designed and just it alone has a lot anyone can pick up on for game design.

So yeah, disregard most of the second half of the last month's post because I just ended up spending most of the last few weeks just going bananas spending as much time as I can picking up and trying out board games hahahahaha. And there's still so much more to catch up on, it's very exciting (for me)

And finally, some news on the eroge that we're publishing that I talked about in last month's post......

So... it failed the Steam review twice, but was not banned. Failing the review process is not a big deal, pretty much every time I've submitted a game to Steam for review, it failed in a new different way that I've never failed before. But what is really soul-grindingly tough and annoying and mentally taxing this time...... is how... freaking... long...... the review process has been......

There was a period of over TWO WEEKS, almost three, between Steam getting back to me after the first failure that there was a different issue that I need to address. Mind you from their own documents and my past experiences, the review process is supposed to take generally 2-4 work days, and further followups if needed (and I've always needed them) are usually faster. So it's just have been urgh, I can't concentrate with this review process crap draining me, I'll just try out new board game. Thankfully playing new board game has been good and hopefully will end up being productive in the future when I use what I've learned to create a new game.

And with all that said, it's time to wrap up this month's Progress Report. There were earthquakes in Asia at the start of the new year, and the weather here has just fallen below zero degrees Celsius. Scary start to the new year, but everyone just please stay safe and warm, and let's soldier on together!!!

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December 5th 2023: Progress Report and Year In Review

Heeello everyone, Rem here with this month's and this year's last major Progress Report!!!!

Can you believe it's already Decemeber? BECAUSE I CAN'T

It feels like two weeks ago I moved to this apartment at the start of summer and now it's all cold and the year is almost over and oh gosh oh god.

Anyway, let's talk about what has happened since the last Progress Report! Sachinama has been working like a madman (once again (once again)) and has since finished two of the CGs (Evade and Map) for not only P Cup variations but also completed redoing the art for new body and facial variations, and then to top it off renewed all the facial variations for the default combat CG. The Map CG being the most extensive renewal then and now and forever because it was the first CG made for Karryn, and also the one that is being seen most of the time since it's literally the only CG outside of combat. Now Karryn is much more expressive and reactive to what's on the map with new pose and facial variations, thank you Sachinama!!!

As for things outside of CG, if you haven't been following us AT ALL on any other media, then our partnership with Lovense has continued with their latest male masturbator toy, Solace and unique code has been appended to the existing Lovense Implementation to make the Solace's thrusting mechanism more immersive ingame!!

And now finally the end this year's last Progress Report... some of you, probably only a very rare few of you since I myself don't even fully remember when I first said it, but I think it was either last year (most likely last year) or the start of the year, that I mentioned we will be publishing another eroge slated for this year. Unfortunately it seems like we won't make it in time for 2023, BUT

Our good friends at Cursed Atelier has been working hard with us for over a year and it is finally almost ready with just but some final tests from my end!! Hopefully this time Steam will not out right ban the game, but come heaven or hell, we will announce the game as soon as Steam makes a decision! That announcement post will probably be the real last post of 2023!

Which... makes this post a bit too short as a farewell to 2023 as the last Karryn's Prison related post isn't it? I was originally going to end the post with the last paragraph, but let's keep going on!!!! It's only 1AM here anyway, who cares about sleep!!!!!

Let's do a year in review, especially since I haven't been posting here weekly like I used to before for years and years, even back when we were on Patreon, and back before Karryn's Prison was even in development.

What was this year? Personally... this year was... interesting...? Question mark? New?? New? How to put my 2023... Hmmm... Interesting and new... because my vocabulary suddenly can't do any better right now, maybe because it is 1AM, or maybe because I haven't played anything in over a week while coding up all the latest update, which btw is now out on all platforms so come check out Sachinama's beautiful artwork for Karryn in combat and on the map!!!

The year if I recall correctly, started out with me worrying about how to proceed with the Gym DLC, and getting stuck in the mental mud and not being able to advance and the Stray Pubes DLC being made and released in meantime. Then I decided I will just take a break for at least a month iirc, and within the first week of the break, Sachinama notified me that though he had previously said I would be unable to visit him in Japan because family circumstances, an opportunity had opened up for only a few weeks. Even before that, during the first week of the break I had touched some grass! Even saw some Pussy (Willow)!! Saw my first NYC Broadway show despite living here my whole life!!

And then when I heard there's a chance to intrude myself into Sachinama's living space and once again be in the physical presence with Sachinama, the first time since Covid, and the first time since Karryn's Prison was finished, well... how can I not. In less than a week, I had to prepare and get ready to fly to Japan once again, very Déjà vu of the first time I went to Japan to meet Sachinama, which was also the first time and only time I had met Sachinama and also the first time I flew on a plane as an adult and to out of the USA. Unlike the first time, which was essentially a business trip, this time was more for getting out of the mental funk I was in, and to finally see Sachinama in person again after several years.

Laughs were had. Cheers, awe, anticipation, disappointment, fun, argument, terror, fear, apologies, naked schnegians plural, growing up, the meaning of life and universe, leaving a picture of Karryn in a temple, posing in front of a Tenga store. Making a noisy scene in the middle of a crowded adult store about how if we had made physical copies of Karryn's Prison then I could've gotten a picture of the box inside an adult store. The absolute terrible state of american airlines experience for overseas travel compared to european/asian airlines, jet lag.

Then returning back home after a magical week whisked away to Japan and feeling strange for a few minutes stepping back into the home I grew up in. I decided we will just release the Gym DLC as is, so we did.

A bit of time passes, and we decided to do a few update for Karryn's Prison in the form of the H Cup Variation, which to this day I think both Sachinama and I can agree that Sachinama worked on it way way too hard because Sachinama finished it in a month.

I decided to go for the next step of my life, and for a change of scenery, and move out to an apartment in the city and begin solo apartment life.

And finally we're now currently on the P Cup Variation, which ended up not only having the work for making P Cups, but work for rebuilding the various foundations for Karryn to be even be able to support P Cups and as side quest also end up currently redoing all the facial variations for the oldest CGs.

I think this year can be interpreted as adding more minor pieces to Karryn in a way that doesn't affect the core of the game, because to me, Karryn's Prison has been finished. From beginning to end, I had a vision for KP, and I never strayed from that vision with one exception of redoing the Passive system because during the iterative process of game development, I realized it needed to be redone. But otherwise, KP had always been the game I set out to create from the day it was born.

A mix. An eroge. An eroge of elements of grand strategy games that I loved, of elements of buildcrafting and theorycrafting that I loved, of roguelikes that I loved, of the back then and arguably still rudimentary concept of negative passive states imposed upon a female strong heroine, of the concept of battle fuck games, of a protagonist that would never be the main heroine in a standard multiple heroine eroge, and then mix and boil it all together.

I think, another interpretation of this year, might also be my own shortcomings and limitations. Someone else better, probably could've resolved the issue of the Gym DLC better. Maybe even started fully working a new game by now. Or decide to make DLCs or updates that fundamentally changes how Karryn's Prison work. You know, the popular fan demands and requests like adding pregnancy and what not. But I'm me, and what happened has happened, and I still continue to refuse to touch the core of the game that we worked so hard for years to build and realize, regardless of it seems flawed to some, and not reaching its potential to others. I also refuse to take the easy path, which would be to just make a sequel with the exact systems, whether it is a sequel for KP or Meltys Quest. Which heavily self imposes harsh limitations on my ideas.

2023, to me, was exploration in several ways. Growing up a bit. Failing a bit. Just looking around, thinking. I'm looking around right now, at 2AM, and I can't believe I'm typing inside a room, a room that never existed in my world, a room that was not the room I typed from for decades. How did it come to this. Were my decisions and calls the right one. Should I take the path of least resistance, the easy way? Did we not earn a comfy living for our work? Why go this far?

I don't know. I wish I can say that 2023 was the only year of exploration and 2024 will then be nose to floor, back to the grind full time, all hands on deck. But I don't think I have finished looking for what I'm looking for.

I want to know. What is the other side of my limitation. Karryn's Prison was created, fully with all my accumulated experience thus far. Mashing together elements of all the games I played that I enjoyed, and avoiding my perceived shortcomings and negative aspects of all the games I have played, and cooking all the elements that made sense, together in a way that made sense, and then somehow by a miracle a baby was born and other people accepted the baby.

If I were to make a new game, with my self imposed limitations of not making the same game again, reusing the same ideas again, then where would I draw the game from? I already used my accumulated life experience. Can the remainder of what I have left be enough to make another game, much less a good game? And don't even get started on the weight that is the expectation of 'the next game after Karryn's Prison'.

What is the answer? Is there an answer? Can there even be an answer other than no, impossible, at least not the current way you are. So to overcome this hard limitation, I need to reach the other side. To replace a lifetime experience of playing games, I need another lifetime of experience playing games. New, different experiences. More games. Different games. Everything and anything that is out there beyond where I started, where I came from.

This will the first, the last, and the only time I will ever mention this. It's kind of like that meme you know, in Twitch chat and in game review comments and such. Chat is moving so fast that no one knows I'm gay, or no one will read this comment to know I'm gay, and such. This post, has been so long and windy, that I think the casual person fell asleep and checked out by now, so for only this brief moment of weakness while reflecting inwards to outwards on 2023 at 2AM that I will ever talk about this topic.

I, have withheld a secret from you all. No, it's not about the unannounced projects and such behind the scenes. And no, it's not that Sachinama and I are actually gay and married and held hands, (though we did hold hands in Japan this year, no homo) and even if we were there's nothing wrong with being gay or bi, homo love.

I read a tweet way earlier this year that shook me to my core. The jist of it, essentially is that the person who tweeted was shall we say, an online performative sex worker with no actual shown real sex or genitalia, commenting on how they were performing a service to fulfill the sexual needs and desires of people while they themselves were alone without a relationship.

If I could've cried from just reading a tweet, that tweet probably would be number one on my personal list.

You see, your boy Rem here, actually has never actually been in a real relationship before. Tried it out way younger, decided that I didn't care for it for various reasons, and just erased that element from myself and didn't miss it. But this year, when I read that tweet while worrying about the Gym DLC and the realization of the implications of having a mental block at this stage, it hit me in a way that most definitely wouldn't have affected or shook me if I read such a tweet earlier in my life, especially while I was developing Karryn's Prison.

I don't know if this is really the answer. It might not be. A part of me thinks, well that was a lie since Sachinama commented on it first, which is why bother now at this point since Karryn's Prison was only possible because I unintentionally min-maxed my life in a way that made it possible to create something like Karryn's Prison. Why try to walk a normal person's path in life, when it would so much more harder for me to walk the same path and if a person walking the normal path could create Karryn's Prison, then it would've been created a long time ago, and more Karryn's Prisons would've been created by now.

I don't think it's about the destination, but the journey. Probably, who fucking knows. Basically, your boy Rem is going to try to find a relationship. Fuck if I know how. Because if you never tried it before, then dating apps are essentially the biggest kusoge on earth, worse than any kusoge you ever played before, including gacha games. Hah, I actually for one of my new game ideas, involved dating apps and how bad they were but I decided against it since I don't want a game to feel bitter or even worse, make the player feel bad in some way.

Anyway, this is the only time I will ever talk about this aspect of my life. Consider it an unwanted Christmas present, a coal in your stocking if you will. Listen, you got the P Cup DLC to look forward to next year, as well as the new eroge translated by our friends at Cursed Atelier!! And the Karryn figurine crafted by MouseUnits!!!! And of course, all the FREE updates to the base game while the P Cup is being worked on!!!!!

If you haven't updated or played Karryn's Prison in a while, have these images of the latest renewed CG by the master himself Sachinama working hard this past month. Happy Holidays everyone!!! Happy 2024!! Happy Life!!!! Take care of yourself you hear me, and from 3AM in New York, this is Rem signing out for 2023 (until the announcement post hopefully later this month about new eroge we're publishing but shhh, don't count that) hoping you all have a good year, and from both Sachinama and I, thanking you for your support in 2023, and to please look forward to what we got for you all in 2024!!

Thank you! And good night!!

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